Are you just starting your business and developing a website? Or are you looking to grow your business and scale the number of site visitors? Then you have landed on the right place. You might be thinking of when to switch to a dedicated server. There are several hosting plans and options available for your website or application, such as a shared server, a virtual private server (VPS), and a dedicated server.

If you want to search got the best option, you will need to check if a dedicated server would be sensible for your business and budget. You won’t find an option such as one-size-fits-all when it comes to selecting a web hosting plan. You should then find if opting for a dedicated server is really the need of an hour for you or whether it would be best for the planned growth of your business.

What is a Dedicated Server?

A dedicated server is completely isolated server that is used by just a single user, organization or application. It means, you won’t have to share it with other organization or application as in a shared or VPS hosting service. Though the resources that you get with the shared or VPS hosting are allocated to you, you might experience a bit lower performance or security level as compared to a cheap dedicated server.

Users rent dedicated servers and the maintenance is handled by the web hosting provider such as MilesWeb. The web host takes the complete responsibility of maintaining, customizing and managing the server for you when you opt for a dedicated server. If your staff is already dealing with loads of work then opting of a dedicated server with remote access will reduce their load as the company grows.

On the contrary, if you or your staff have the technical skills in customizing and managing the dedicated server, you can get complete control over the resources without including your web hosting provider. But in a virtual private server, you won’t get this option as you need to share the server. Moreover, if your company has global presence, then dedicated servers will enable remote access. This will allow the developers to access the server from their work location.

When Should You Buy a Dedicated Server Hosting Solution?

If you want the below things, you might opt for a dedicated server:

  1. Highest Level of Privacy

When your server is isolated from any others at the MSP you have selected, automatically a higher level of privacy is achieved. If you want to use the server for private data backup or to run an application that contains billing and personal information of the end users, privacy is a must.

Of course a best VPS hosting service offers high security and allows you to install your own security software, if another user’s overlook leads to a breach, your site will be at risk on the same server. However, with a dedicated server, you aren’t under the control of others; instead you have the full control over any potential security breaches.

  1. Configure the Server as per Your Preference

You don’t need to compromise when you select the configuration for a dedicated server. Because there are no other users sharing the same server, you get full control over the set up, type of operating system to use, and the purpose of using the server, be it applications, web hosting plans, or data storage.

  1. Isolate Yourself from Other Users

Apart from privacy with a dedicated server, you also won’t be affected by the misbehavior of other users. If you select a VPS, when other users experience a rise in site traffic, your site performance might get affected. On some VPS hosting platforms, if one website is using maximum resources but the other websites on the VPS are not, that website will be able to borrow resources (also known as hypervisor) for improving the functionality. If two users of a VPS require more resources temporarily, this is the point where problems occur and site performance decreases.

The web hosting provider ensures that each VPS can perform well. But, since dedicated servers that are physically separate, it is guaranteed that you won’t be affected by other users.

  1. Stable and Predictable High Performance

If there is high level of traffic on your website, a dedicated server will surely offer high performance. Along with isolating your services onto one server, a dedicated server delivers a higher performance level as compared to a VPS hosting service. For example, the basic VPS plans come with 2GB of RAM, whereas basic dedicated server plans come with 8GB of RAM.


If you are expecting that your website and business will grow massively, then selecting a dedicated server plan from the start will save your time later. You will get peace of mind knowing that no matter how much you grow; there will be resources available in your pocket to run your website.

Your decision on whether to move from VPS to a dedicated server will also be dependent on price. Dedicated servers offer the best performance, but you need to pay high cost. VPS offers adequate performance, security and flexibility, for small and medium-sized businesses and personal websites.

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