Pavel Durov message
The usage of the Telegram app has continued to grow over the years with more users being every year. Today Telegram is one of the most widely used instant messaging and video calling app owing to a variety of reasons. There have been few suggestions that Telegram was officially introducing ads to the app, however CEO of the company Pavel Durov message was clear and he had to clarify that there are absolutely no plans for introducing ads to the app.
Telegram Stock
If you want more information related to different aspects of Telegram Stock then the terms of service provided on their website contains all the clause and protocols regarding its use and services. One of the major features that you get with the Telegram app is the groups where you can share messages with a group of people that are present in that specific group.
The ads and unwanted invitations is one of the most annoying experiences when it comes to using the Telegram app. However, there is indeed a way in which you can get rid of the annoying ads and have a smooth as well as interruption free messaging experience.
Telegram users for advertising
The Telegram groups can be utilized for various purposes including business, sports, entertainment and friendly chat. If you want to target Telegram users for advertising then this website can serve as a useful reference for different aspects associated with it.
Removing Telegram ads
People often tend to share your account or information with the third party which leads to some of the annoying ads that you see. To fix the problem of unwanted invitations you must follow these steps. Launch the app and go to the settings. Go to privacy and security, then choose the option of groups. Then select My Contacts option, which is at top of the page, which will ensure that the strangers can’t add you to the groups.
However, with this setup, people who are in your contact list will still be able to send you group invitations and ads. To prevent this, you must go to the settings menu -> privacy and security -> my contacts and then choose the option of ‘Never Allow’ at the page bottom. Now you must select all the contacts by ticking the icon which is located at top right corner on screen. This will ensure that no user can add you to the group automatically or send you unwanted invitations or ads.